A microfabricated Fabry-Perot optical resonator has been used for atom detection and photon production with less than 1 atom on average in the cavity mode. Our cavity design combines the intrinsic scalability of microfabrication processes with direct coupling of the cavity field to singlemode optical waveguides or fibers. The presence of the atom is seen through changes in both the intensity and the noise characteristics of probe light reflected from the cavity input mirror. An excitation laser passing transversely through the cavity triggers photon emission into the cavity mode and hence into the single-mode fiber. These are first steps towards building an optical microcavity network on an atom chip for applications in quantum information processing.PACS numbers: 42.50. Pq, 03.67.Lx, 03.75.Be When a neutral atom is placed in a high-finesse optical cavity, the electric dipole coupling between the atom and the light field can lead to quantum coherence between the two. This fact forms the basis of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) [1]. Recently, there has been considerable interest in the possibility of applying cavity QED to problems in quantum information processing, as reviewed, for example, in Ref. [2]. Single photons have been generated on demand from falling [3] and trapped [4] atoms in high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavities, and recent experiments have investigated the cavityassisted generation of single photons from atomic ensembles [5]. These are important steps towards building multiple-cavity quantum information networks, such as those proposed in Ref. [6]. However, experiments so far have been limited to single cavities by the technical demands of achieving high enough finesse. Outstanding challenges now are to make the cavities smaller, to fabricate them in large numbers with the possibility of multiple interconnects, and to load them conveniently and deterministically with atoms. This would pave the way to circuit-model quantum computers [7], to one-way computations based on cluster states [8], and to other schemes requiring multiple cavities [9].As a first move in this direction, two recent experiments have used a small magnetic guide to load atoms into a cavity [10]. However the cavities in these experiments were 2-3 cm long and therefore not more scalable than a conventional Fabry-Perot cavity. By contrast, Aoki et al. have dropped atoms close to a microscopic toroidal cavity and observed evidence of strong coupling [11]. These resonators can be microfabricated in large arrays, however they are not easily used for controlled atom-cavity coupling because of the need to position the atom very precisely in the evanescent field just outside the surface of the resonator. For this reason it is of interest to consider microscopic Fabry-Perot cavities, whose open structure gives access to the central part of the cavity field. In one recent design [12], the two mirrors of such a resonator are formed by optical fibers whose tips have been modified into concave reflectors. This design can achieve small mode...