The half-life of Tc was measured at the JRC using the ionisation chamber 'IC1' (type Centronic IG12). The result, T(Tc) = 6.00660 (18) h, is in good agreement with literature data. One experiment was performed in IC1's default set-up with the ionisation current being integrated over an air capacitor and read out as a voltage increase over time. This ensured excellent linearity and precision throughout the dynamic range, but the maximum current was limited to 2 nA. In a second test, the current was directly read out with a Keithley 6517 A electrometer. Applying correction factors for the automatic range switching of the electrometer, an acceptable linearity was demonstrated over a range of 12 half-life periods starting at 20 nA. Range switching and autocorrelation of the current readout increase the systematic and random error propagation factors. Piecewise fitting of the decay curve over periods of 6 h yields the same Tc half-life value within 0.04% (0.0025 h) standard deviation over an activity range spanning at least 10 half-life periods (3 orders of magnitude).