We construct the gauge invariant three-photon decay amplitude of particle-antiparticle bound states modeled by the Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpeter equations. Application to the quarkantiquark (qq) bound states is emphasized. An essential aspect of our formulation is that it applies to any underlying quantum field theoretic model of the qq system, and not just to models, like exact QCD, where the quark self-energy Σ couples to the electromagnetic field solely via dressed quark propagators. In this way, applications to effective field theories and other QCD motivated models are envisioned. The three-photon decay amplitude is constructed by attaching currents to all possible places in the Feynman diagrams contributing to the dressed quark propagator. The gauge invariance of our construction is thus a direct consequence of respecting the underlying structure of the quantum field theory determining the dynamics. In the resultant expression for the three-photon decay amplitude, all the basic ingredients consisting of the bound state wave function, the final-state interaction qq t matrix, the dressed quark propagator, and dressed quark currents, are determined by a universal Bethe-Salpeter