Purpose: The aim of this study was to show that novel photodynamic therapy (PDT) sensitizers can be activated by two-photon absorption in the near-IR region of the spectrum and to show, for the first time, that such activation can lead to tumor regressions at significant tissue depth. These experiments also evaluated effects of high-energy femtosecond pulsed laser irradiation on normal tissues and characterized the response of xenograft tumors to our PDT protocols. Experimental Design: Human small cell lung cancer (NCI-H69), non-small cell lung cancer (A549), and breast cancer (MDA-MB-231) xenografts were induced in SCID mice. Irradiation of sensitized tumors was undertaken through the bodies of tumor-bearing mice to give a treatment depth of 2 cm. Posttreatment tumor regressions and histopathology were carried out to determine the nature of the response to these new PDT agents. Microarray expression profiles were conducted to assess the similarity of responses to single and two-photon activated PDT.
Results:Regressions of all tumor types tested were seen. Histopathology was consistent with known PDT effects, and no, or minimal, changes were noted in irradiated normal tissues. Cluster analysis of microarray expression profiling showed reproducible changes in transcripts associated with apoptosis, stress, oxygen transport, and gene regulation. Conclusions: These new PDT sensitizers can be used at a depth of 2 cm to produce excellent xenograft regressions. The tumor response was consistent with known responses to singlephoton activated PDT. Experiments in larger animals are warranted to determine the maximal achievable depth of treatment.Photodynamic therapy (PDT; ref. 1) is a protocol that uses light of the appropriate wavelength to activate photosensitizer accumulated in tumor tissue to its triplet state (2). The triplet excitation energy can be effectively transferred to molecular oxygen, resulting in the generation of singlet oxygen, superoxide radical, and other active oxygen species (2, 3). The singlet oxygen causes direct chemical damage to tumor and/or tumor endothelial cells (4), initiates a neutrophilic inflammatory response (5), and can stimulate both innate and specific antitumor immune responses (6 -8). Singlet-oxygen production, however, requires a sufficiently high energy of the triplet state of the sensitizer. Long-wavelength near-IR (NIR) light k ex > 750 nm has relatively low-photon energy, which restricts the range of processes that can be activated by one-photon excitation. The relation between the wavelength and the minimum excitation energy of singlet oxygen is shown in Fig. 1A. The dark gray shaded area corresponds to the excitation energy below the required minimum value, E so < 1.5 -1.6 eV (9, 10), which shows that sensitization by one-photon absorption (1PA) fails in the phototherapeutic window 780 to 950 nm, where tissues have maximum transparency to light. Sensitization by simultaneous two-photon absorption (2PA; ref. 11) combines the energy of two photons and can provide suffi...