“…Childhood initiation of substance use is consequential. It is associated with future hazardous drinking (Liang & Chikritzhs, ), polysubstance use and comorbid mental disorders (SAMHSA, ), co‐occurring psychiatric illness including mood dysregulation disorder, and especially disruptive disorders including ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder (Deas & Thomas, n.d.; Temcheff, Déry, St‐Pierre, Laventure, & Lemelin, ), childhood assaultive behavior (Mathias et al., ), chaotic and abusive family environments and parental substance use disorders (Dube et al., ; Kingston, Rose, Cohen‐Serrins, & Knight, ), and adolescent suicide attempts (Cho, Hallfors, & Iritani, ). Because of the relationship of childhood substance initiation and co‐occurring and future morbidity and mortality, screening for childhood substance use would identify children who are likely to have multiple service needs including social services, mental health treatment, and treatment directed at specifically at substance use.…”