WITHIN RECENT years granulosa\x=req-\ theca-cell tumors have attracted much interest, primarily because of their hormonal function. These tumors are the principal feminizing neoplasms of the ovary; and it has been emphasized that when they occur in prepubertal females, they almost always cause sexual precocity. Because of this known and rather constant relationship, the diagnosis of granulosa-theca-cell tumor usually is entertained in the differential diagnosis of isosexual precocity in females. Although it is appropriate that some consideration should be given to this diagnosis in all such patients, it should be remembered that not more than 10% of cases of sexual precocity in the female arise from ovarian tumors.The purpose of this article is to review the literature on this interesting problem, especially as it relates to children, and to emphasize the pitfalls in making the diagnosis.
IncidenceThe rarity of granulosa-theca-cell tumors of the ovary is appreciated if it is remembered that primary ovarian tumors are rare, and that of these the granulosatheca-cell variety constitute only about