Background: In the pediatric and adolescent age group, solid ovarian lesions are considered highly suspicious for malignancy. Massive ovarian edema (MOE) is an extremely rare lesion, which clinically mimics a neoplasia and is benign in nature. This uncommon condition usually leads to overtreatment in children and adolescents if not clinically diagnosed. Cases: The occurrence of MOE in two young female patients who presented with fullness in the lower abdomen, one of them investigated for primary infertility, is presented. Clinical and radiological diagnosis of ovarian malignancy was made, and they underwent an oopherectomy. Conclusions: MOE is not a well-known condition, and therefore more extensive treatment than is necessary is often undertaken, as was the case in our patients. Conservative management is advised, with the preservation of fertility by retaining the ovary and biopsy with frozen section when clinically indicated. ( J GYNECOL SURG 28:431)