Recent work at our institution on lighting turkey males for semen production and correlated changes in plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) are summarized in this paper. In sexually mature males, both LH and T are secreted in pulses, with a pulse of LH about 10 min prior to a pulse of T. Pulses of LH and T occurred about every 2 h and were equally distributed between the light (L) and dark (D) portions of a 14 h L:10 h D d. The pattern of secretion and overall concentrations of LH and T were not affected by intermittent photoperiod lighting (1 L:2 D, 8 x d) in comparison to continuous photoperiod lighting (14 L:10 D) lighting. Pulses of LH or T were not entrained by L or D with the intermittent or continuous lighting treatment. To study the interaction of age and lighting treatment, males were exposed to one of two lighting treatments: long-day photoperiods (16 L:8 D) d(-1) from 10 to 12 or 29 wk of age (WOA) (Treatment LDLD) or short-day photoperiods (6 L:18 D d(-1) from 10 or 12 to 29 WOA, then long-day photoperiods (Treatment SDLD). Males in the LDLD treatment attained puberty earlier (25 WOA) than those in the SDLD treatment. In the later treatment, most of the males attained puberty after 29 WOA. Both LH and T were low until 18 WOA in the LDLD males, then both increased to adult levels over the next 2 to 3 wk. In the SDLD males, LH and T were lower than in the LDLD males until 48 h after switching to long-day photoperiods, when both were transiently higher before declining to lower adult levels by 35 WOA. Secretory patterns of LH and T were estimated at 13, 23, and 35 WOA, under both lighting treatments. At 13 WOA, LH and T were secreted in pulses, but levels of both hormones were low and not different between lighting treatments, and none of the birds (0/4) in either treatment were producing semen. At 23 WOA, LH and T were secreted in robust pulses, with the LDLD males having higher concentrations of LH and T than the SDLD males. At 23 WOA, most of the males in the LDLD group (3/4) but none in the SDLD group (0/4) were producing semen. At 35 WOA, 6 wk after photostimulation of the SDLD group, all males (4/4) in both groups were producing semen, and LH and T were at adult levels. However, fewer pulses of T were noted for males in the SDLD treatment.