Los equipos de Atención Primaria asumen en su práctica habitual las labores de promoción y prevención de la salud y en muchos casos de atención a la mujer gestante. Sin duda que, con independencia del seguimiento del embarazo o no
P r i m a ry Health Care ussually assume the promotion and prevention of the health and, in many cases, the attention to the pregnant woman. No doubt that, re g a rdless of the control of pre g n a n c y, sometimes condicioned by causes unaware to the P r i m a ry Health Care itself, any of this pro f e s s i onals can assume the attention to the woman and in general to her family before the conception of a child, once the conceptional decision has been taken. We refer to the preventive pre c o n c e p t i o n a l s activities. These tasks imply a wider appro a c h which include the precocious attention to the p regnant, preconcepcionals care and pro m o t i o n of child health and his family.The professionals involved in Primary Health C a re are more often the first ones who are aware of this situation, well to be the direct reason of the consultation, to request advice to interrupt the contraceptive treatment or when a pregnancy test has resulted negative.When searching on the current programs of attention to the pregnant woman, this topic is paradoxically not included; neither in the programs of p reventive adult activities. Also, it is indeed difficult to find documentation covering this subject.The aim of our paper is to review the existing information about this activity and to encourage its implementation as a preventive care added to those which are already being carried out in a routine way.