S U M M A R YMigration constructs a subsurface image by mapping band-limited seismic data to reflectors in the Earth, given a background velocity model that describes the kinematics of the seismic waves. Classically, the reflectors correspond to impedance perturbations on length scales of the order of the seismic wavelength. The Born approximation of the visco-acoustic wave equation enables the computation of synthetic data for such a model. Migration then amounts to solving the linear inverse problem for perturbations in density, velocity, and attenuation.Here, the problem is simplified by assuming the density to be constant, leaving only velocity and attenuation perturbations. In the frequency domain, a single complex-valued model parameter that depends on subsurface position describes both. Its real part is related to the classic reflectivity, its imaginary part also involves attenuation variations. Attenuation scattering is usually ignored but, when included in the migration, might provide information about, for instance, the presence of fluids. We found, however, that it is very difficult to solve simultaneously for both velocity and attenuation perturbations. The problem already occurs when computing synthetic data in the Born approximation for a given scattering model: after applying a weighted Hilbert transform in the depth coordinate to a given scattering model, we obtained almost the same synthetic data if the scatterers had small dip and were located at not-too-shallow depths. This implies that it will be nearly impossible to simultaneously determine the real and imaginary part of the scattering parameters by linearized inversion without imposing additional constraints.