Abstracts:The submitted paper analyses the development of food industry in the czech republic in 2000-2006, its position (in 2006) and development trends of main economic indicators compared to the development of manufacturing industry. in comparison with the dynamic development of czech manufacturing industry, key position of food industry has decreased. The monitored food sector has heterogeneous structure with regard to branches. in connection with these differences, development trends of separate branches are fluctuating but labour productivity of the food sector as a total has markedly accelerated.Key words: food industry, main economic indicators, receipts from sales of own products and services, number of employees, value added, labour productivity from value added, labour costs Klíčová slova: potravinářský průmysl, hlavní ekonomické ukazatele, tržby za prodej výrobků a služeb, počet zaměstnaných osob, přidaná hodnota, produktivita práce z přidané hodnoty, osobní náklady