Most theoretical accounts of autism posit difficulties in predicting others’ actions, and this difficulty has been proposed to be at the root of autistic individuals’ social communication differences. Empirical results are mixed, however, with autistic individuals showing reduced action prediction in some studies but not in others. It has recently been proposed that this effect might be observed primarily when observed actions are less predictable, but this idea has yet to be tested. To assess the influence of predictability on neural and behavioural action prediction, the current study employed an action observation paradigm with multi-step actions that become gradually more predictable. Autistic and non-autistic adolescents showed similar patterns of motor system activation during observation, as seen in attenuated mu and beta power compared to baseline, with beta power further modulated by predictability in both groups. Bayesian statistics confirmed that action predictability influenced beta power similarly in both groups. The groups also made similar behavioural predictions, as seen in three eye-movement measures. We found no evidence that autistic adolescents responded differently than non-autistic adolescents to the predictability of an observed action. These findings show that autistic adolescents do spontaneously predict others’ actions, both neurally and behaviourally, which calls into question the role of action prediction as a key mechanism underlying autism.