The main objective of this woric is to examine the influence of the nonlinear behavior of soil on the axial and lateral response of piles due to monotonie and cyclic loading, and to develop a simplified model that will reproduce the main nonlinear features. The specific role of several factors on the response of single piles and pairs of piles is studied first by means of a parametric study based on a three-dimensional finite element model in which the soil is idealized as a modified Drucker-Prager inelastic material. Such factors include relative slippage or separation between a pile and the soil, and soil plasticity away from the pile. Numerical results show that inelastic soil behavior can affect significantly the response of piles. Pile-soil slippage is the most significant inelastic effect under purely axial loading. For lateral loads, however, pile-soil separation and, to a lesser extent, overall inelastic soil deformation, are the crucial factors. Interaction between neighboring piles also is influenced by nonlinear effects. In fact, ignoring these effects can overestimate significantly the amount of interaction between piles.Guided by the results of the parametric study, a simplified model consisting of coupled, inelastically supported one-dimensional piles is developed in the second part of this work. The validity of the model is assessed by an extensive comparison with numerical results of the more accurate three-dimensional study, as well as with results from experimental field tests. Close agreement is observed between these results and the predictions from the simplified model. This represents an essential step towards a simplified, yet realistic, method of analysis for more general pile groups.I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to my advisor, Professor Jacobo Bielak, for all his academic help and support during the course of this work, as well as for the personal interest and warmth that he and his family extended to me so willingly. I would also like to thank Professor Paul Christiano, for his valuable comments through the years and his true interest in my work. Special thanks are also extended to the other members of my doctoral committee, Professors Glenn Sinclair and Chelvakumar for their helpful remarks, and to Drs Alberto Jaime and Daniel Resendiz for their helpful suggestions and for making available results of the field tests conducted in Mexico City.