The solid state of matter is usually characterized by the structural rigidity and spontaneous resistance to the change in its shape against external forces. The particles in a typical solid are tightly bound to each other, and vibrate around their equilibrium sites. In a crystalline state, particles distribute in a regular geometric lattice, thus giving long-range positional ordering.1 Amorphous or glassy states are also considered as solid, except there particles distribute irregularly. Usually a crystalline state must be a solid, and to crystallize is always equivalent to make a solid. The liquid state, on the other hand, is flowing, thus being homogeneous and isotropic. It is absence of any long-range spatial ordering, which is a consequence of the free mobility of particles at both microscopic and macroscopic scales in this state. with regular solids with defects or dislocations at similar temperatures. 11-13 By carefully inspecting the atomic structure and MD trajectories, we failed to find any well-defined dislocations or grain boundaries. Instead, it looks like all atoms participate in the diffusion process concertedly, though not simultaneously. Thus it is a bulk behavior, rather than migration confined to dislocations or boundaries. Because we know that bulk flowing is an intrinsic characteristic of liquid, this raises the speculation that in this phase the protons could be considered as a flow as in a liquid.This observation is consistent with previous simulations, where it was taken as a normal liquid. 14 However, we noticed that though the calculated radial distribution function (RDF) gives a feature very similar to a typical liquid, a distorted lattice pattern still presents through the long-time averaged proton density distribution (the inset in the left panel of Fig. 1). This is at odds with the assumption that it is in an isotropic liquid state. Furthermore, the projected RDFs 15 (right panel in Fig. 1) unveil a strong anisotropy and long-range positional ordering. This is quite different from our understanding about a typical liquid, in which the particle density distribution must not have any local or long-range features and the system must be isotropic. The unexpected emergence of anisotropy implies that the matter still have some crystalline 6 features, which is a strong indicator for a solid state. For these reasons, it seems plausible to tentatively interpret it as a novel matter state in which the solid and liquid features coexist harmonically in one pure phase.On the other hand, the observed structure pattern and anisotropy are maintained over a wide temperature range. As shown in Fig. 1 that was calculated with AI-PIMD simulations at 100 K, the increase of temperature does not change the structure pattern very much, and the accumulated RDF and projected RDFs are almost the same as that at 50 K. But interestingly, the rMSD (thus the self-diffusion mobility) is greatly enhanced. In other words, in this phase the atomic diffusivity can be enhanced without at the expense of the solid framew...