CS_hj_ratio[j] SM normalized inclusive hadronic cross section for single Higgs production, pp/pp → hj. This channel typically combines the gg → hj and pp/pp → b bhj channels that are given separately below.
CS_gg_hj_ratio[j] SM normalized inclusive hadronic cross section for the gluon fusion process, pp/pp → gg → hj. (NEW) CS_bb_hj_ratio[j] SM normalized inclusive hadronic cross section for the b b associated Higgs production, pp/pp → b bhj. (NEW) CS_hjW_ratio[j] SM normalized inclusive hadronic cross section for Higgs production in association with a W boson, pp/pp → W hj. CS_hjZ_ratio[j] SM normalized inclusive hadronic cross section for Higgs production in association with a Z boson, pp/pp → Zhj. CS_vbf_ratio[j] SM normalized inclusive hadronic cross section for the Higgs production in vector boson fusion, pp/pp → q qhj. CS_tthj_ratio[j] SM normalized inclusive hadronic cross section for the t t associated Higgs production, pp/pp → t thj. CS_thj_tchan_ratio[j] SM normalized hadronic cross section for single top quark associated Higgs production through t-channel exchange, pp → tqhj. (NEW) CS_thj_schan_ratio[j] SM normalized hadronic cross section for single top quark associated Higgs production through s-channel exchange, pp → tbhj. (NEW) CS_tWhj_ratio[j] SM normalized hadronic cross section for Higgs production in association with a single top quark and a W boson, pp → tW hj. (NEW) CS_qq_hjZ_ratio[j] SM normalized hadronic cross section for quark-intiated Higgs production in association with a Z boson, q q → Z → Zhj. (NEW) CS_gg_hjZ_ratio[j] SM normalized hadronic cross section for gluon initiated Higgs production in association with a Z boson, gg → Zhj. (NEW) CS_hjhi[j,i] Inclusive hadronic cross section for (non-resonant) double Higgs production, pp/pp → hjhi (in pb). (NEW)