The government may be able to develop more effective strategies for dealing with COVID-19 cases if it groups districts and cities according to the features of the number of Covid-19 cases being reported in each district or city. The data can be more easily summarized with the help of cluster analysis, which organizes items into groups according to the degree of similarity between members. Since it is possible to group more than one period together, the generation of clusters based on time series is a more efficient method than clusters that are created for each individual unit. Using a time series cluster hierarchical technique that has complete linkage, the purpose of this study is to categorize the number of instances of Covid-19 that have been found in West Java by district or city. The data that was used comes from monthly reports of Covid-19 instances compiled by West Java districts from 2020 to 2022. The Autocorrelation Function (ACF) distance cluster was utilized in this investigation to determine how closely cluster members are related to one another. According to the findings, there could be as many as seven separate clusters, each including a unique assortment of districts and cities. Cluster 3, which is comprised of three different cities and regencies, including Bandung City, West Bandung Regency, and Sumedang Regency, has an average number of cases that is 66, making it the cluster with the highest number of cases overall. A value of 0.2787590 is obtained for the silhouette coefficient as a result of the established grouping. This value suggests that the structure of the newly created cluster is quite fragile.The government may be able to develop more eective strategies fordealing with COVID-19 cases if it groups districts and cities according to the featuresof the number of Covid-19 cases being reported in each district or city. The data canbe more easily summarized with the help of cluster analysis, which organizes items intogroups according to the degree of similarity between members. Since it is possible togroup more than one period together, the generation of clusters based on time series isa more ecient method than clusters that are created for each individual unit. Using atime series cluster hierarchical technique that has complete linkage, the purpose of thisstudy is to categorize the number of instances of Covid-19 that have been found in WestJava by district or city. The data that was used comes from monthly reports of Covid-19 instances compiled by West Java districts from 2020 to 2022. The AutocorrelationFunction (ACF) distance cluster was utilized in this investigation to determine howclosely cluster members are related to one another. According to the ndings, there couldbe as many as seven separate clusters, each including a unique assortment of districtsand cities. Cluster 3, which is comprised of three dierent cities and regencies, includingBandung City, West Bandung Regency, and Sumedang Regency, has an average numberof cases that is 66, making it the cluster with the highest number of cases overall. Avalue of 0.2787590 is obtained for the silhouette coecient as a result of the establishedgrouping. This value suggests that the structure of the newly created cluster is quitefragile.