oil and gas reservoirs, the thermal diffusion effect leads to
compositional variations of hydrocarbon fluids in both horizontal
and vertical directions. Compared with experimental methods, molecular
dynamics (MD) simulations can cover a broader range of pressures and
temperatures for the investigation of the thermal diffusion effect.
However, previous MD simulations of the thermal diffusion effect for n-alkane binary mixtures have been limited to only nC5–nC10, nC6–nC
and nC6–nC12 mixtures. In this work, for the first time, we perform a
series of MD simulations on n-alkane binary mixtures,
C1–C3, C1–nC4, nC7–nC12, nC7–nC16, and nC10–nC
(i = 5,
7, 8, 12, 14, 16), with different mole fractions and temperature and
pressure conditions. The boundary-driven nonequilibrium molecular
dynamics (BD-NEMD) with the enhanced heat exchange (eHEX) algorithm
is used to generate the temperature gradient and measure the thermal
diffusion effect. Additionally, a workflow for molecular simulations
of thermal diffusion of n-alkane binary mixtures
is proposed to ensure their repeatability and reliability. The errors
for our MD simulation results are generally less than 10% compared
with experimental data. Our results show that in the binary mixture,
the heavy component tends to move to the cold region, while the lighter
component tends to aggregate near the hot region, which is consistent
with experimental observations.