“…We used data from StreamCat (Hill, Weber, Leibowitz, Olsen, & Thornbrugh, ), which contains 517 metrics representing both natural and anthropogenic landscape information summarized using NHDPlusV2 at local, cumulative upstream and riparian scales. We selected 15 uncorrelated ( r < 0.70) StreamCat metrics that were identified in literature as important surrogates of instream drivers of stream condition as they relate to habitat for benthic macroinvertebrates, including: - Upstream cumulative watershed area because it is strongly related to many stream variables, such as discharge, energy process, and biological communities (Vannote, Minshall, Cummins, Sedell, & Cushing, );
- Elevation since it was important in previous modeling efforts of stream condition in the study area and because it correlates with slope and instream temperature (Maloney, Smith, et al, );
- Seven soil predictors (mean season water depth (cm), mean organic matter content (% by weight), mean permeability (cm/hr), mean depth (cm) to bedrock, mean percent clay content, mean percent sand content, and mean soil erodibility (Kf) factor) because of the importance of soils and resultant drivers (e.g., sediment) on stream macroinvertebrates (Waters, );
- Three measures of geochemical content in surface or near surface geology—mean percent of lithological calcium oxide (CaO) because of its high correlation with many stream chemistry variables, mean lithological hydraulic conductivity (micrometers per second) because of its influence on rock/waters interaction, and mean lithological uniaxial compressive strength as a measure of susceptibility to weathering (megaPascals; Olson & Hawkins, ) all of which affect local habitat for macroinvertebrates;
- Summaries of mean runoff (mm) and baseflow index because of the importance of hydrology to streams (Poff et al, ); and
- Mean composite topographic index (topographic wetness index), which relates upslope area to local slope and is used to quantify topographic control on hydrological processes and estimate water accumulation—that is, valley bottoms have a high index whereas ridge and crests have a low index (Beven & Kirkby, ; Sörensen, Zinko, & Seibert, ). We hypothesized streams near or surrounded by ridges and crests would have less anthropogenic stress due to less accessibility or suitability, thus improving stream condition.