Issue tracking systems store valuable data for testing hypotheses concerning maintenance, building statistical prediction models and (recently) investigating developer a↵ec-tiveness. For the latter, issue tracking systems can be mined to explore developers emotions, sentiments and politeness -a↵ects for short. However, research on a↵ect detection in software artefacts is still in its early stage due to the lack of manually validated data and tools.In this paper, we contribute to the research of a↵ects on software artefacts by providing a labeling of emotions present on issue comments. We manually labeled 2,000 issue comments and 4,000 sentences written by developers with emotions such as love, joy, surprise, anger, sadness and fear. Labeled comments and sentences are linked to software artefacts reported in our previously published dataset (containing more than 1K projects, more than 700K issue reports and more than 2 million issue comments). The enriched dataset presented in this paper allows the investigation of the role of a↵ects in software development.