Despite superior specific mechanical characteristics of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRPs), a lack of understanding of their fracture mechanisms under different impact conditions has limited the application of CFRP energy-absorbing structures. To avoid complex and expensive tests on the final structure, it is more convenient to test flat elements. To prevent catastrophic crushing due to the global buckling, flat specimens must be supported by a specific fixture. Previously developed fixtures had shortcomings like tearing of the specimen, jamming of the fixture, short crushable length, or they were specifically designed only for one failure mode. This newly designed fixture overcomes the limitations of previously published solutions. The final configuration includes cylindrical anti-buckling columns 10 mm in diameter and spaced 65 mm apart with adjustable heights. The fixture is designed for rectangular specimens with dimensions of 150 × 100 mm and different thicknesses up to 16 mm, like the ones mandated by the ASTM D7137 standard test method for compression after impact analysis. Other features of this new fixture are the possibility to study the effects of different defects on the crashworthiness of composites, higher crushing area, and integration with Instron drop tower and hydraulic testing machines.