The study offers an analysis of two concepts used for reducing negative environmental impact: best available techniques and best environmental practices. The concept of best available techniques has been widely used for a long time and has proven to be an effective tool for implementing various regulatory mechanisms. Best environmental practices, on the other hand, have not been known for very long and their application is not yet widespread. Best environmental practices are only applied voluntarily; this fact distinguishes them from best available techniques which in most cases are regulated by legal acts. However, it would be a mistake to assume that best environmental practices are not particularly important within the framework of environmental regulation. On the contrary, their role is increasing, because any additional tools can not only help modernise industrial manufacturing processes, but also improve the image of the enterprise. The relevance of the study stems from the need to find solutions to preserve and restore ecosystem services. The concepts in question can serve as a framework for preventing further degradation of ecosystem services. The study has reviewed normative legal acts of the Russian Federation along with papers and monographs by researchers or experts in the field.