Understanding the ecology and evolution of insect societies requires greater knowledge of how sociality affects the performance of whole colonies. Metabolic scaling theory, based largely on the body mass scaling of metabolic rate, has successfully predicted many aspects of the physiology and life history of individual (or unitary) organisms. Here we show, using a diverse set of social insect species, that this same theory predicts the size dependence of basic features of the physiology (i.e., metabolic rate, reproductive allocation) and life history (i.e., survival, growth, and reproduction) of whole colonies. The similarity in the size dependence of these features in unitary organisms and whole colonies points to commonalities in functional organization. Thus, it raises an important question of how such evolutionary convergence could arise through the process of natural selection.allometry | colony | scaling | metabolism | metabolic theory of ecology M ulticellularity and sociality represent two of life's major evolutionary innovations (1). Both are examples of how individual modules-cells and individuals-can cooperate to enhance evolutionary fitness. In the case of multicellularity, the emergence of such cooperation is relatively easy to explain in the context of natural selection given that all cells are governed by a single, shared genome. Sociality in general, and altruism in particular, is more difficult to explain in this context given that social groups often consist of multiple genotypes with varying degrees of genetic relatedness. In particular, understanding the cooperation observed in eusocial insects-ants, bees, wasps, and termites whose workers forgo reproduction to care for the young of their queens-has presented a paradox given the potential for genetic conflicts to cooperation. However, combining Hamilton's concept of inclusive fitness (2) with the genetics of haplodiploidy has gone some way toward resolving this apparent paradox in the evolution of eusociality (3).However, simply because cooperation among multicellular individuals or members of eusocial colonies can arise through natural selection does not mean it will endure in nature. For this, we must better understand how cooperation affects the collective performance of those in the group. One key metric of performance is an organism's ability to harvest, store, and transform energy to produce offspring (4). As Boltzmann (1905, cited in ref.5, p. 6) pointed out, "[The] struggle for existence is a struggle for free energy available for work," and Lotka (6) wrote, "In the struggle for existence, the advantage must go to those organisms whose energy-capturing devices are most efficient in directing available energy into channels favorable to the preservation of the species." For multicellular organisms, metabolic scaling theory has helped to quantify how changes in body size affect the energy use of species (7,8). The theory and empirical work on this subject have shown that there are economies of scale related to energy use such that cells...