The proposed method deals with the problem of data privacy and sharing when processing personal mobility tracking data. Previous methods concentrate on producing highly detailed data on short-term and restricted areas, e.g. for autonomous driving scenarios. Another possibility consists of city-wide scales and beyond, that are used to predict general traffic flows. The presented approach takes the tracked mobility behavior of individuals to create coherent new mobility data that reflects the long-term mobility behavior of the person, guaranteeing location persistency and sound embedding within the point-of-interest structure of the observed area. After an analysis and clustering step with the original data, the area is distributed into a geospatial grid structure (H3 is used here), and the neighborhood relationships between the grids are interpreted as a graph. A feed-forward-autoencoder and a graph encoding-decoding network generate a latent space representation of the area. The original clustered data is associated with their respective H3 grids. With a greedy algorithm approach and concerning privacy strategies, new combinations of grids are top-level patterns for individual mobility behavior. Concrete locations are found and connected within the grids based on the original data. The described method is then applied to a study with 1000 participants from the city of Munich in Germany, and the results are described, showing the application of the approach in generating synthetic data, enabling further research on individual mobility behavior and patterns. The result is a sharable dataset on the same abstraction level as the input data, which makes it interesting, particularly for machine learning applications.