The accurate (or even approximate) solution of the equations that govern the dynamics of dissipative quantum systems remains a challenging task in quantum science. While several algorithms have been designed to solve those equations with different degrees of flexibility, they rely mainly on highly expensive iterative schemes. Most recently, deep neural networks have been used for quantum dynamics, but current architectures are highly dependent on the physics of the particular system and usually limited to population dynamics.Here we introduce an artificial-intelligence-based surrogate model that solves dissipative quantum dynamics by parametrizing quantum propagators as Fourier neural operators, which we train using both data set and physics-informed loss functions. Compared with conventional algorithms, our quantum neural propagator avoids time-consuming iterations and provides a universal superoperator that can be used to evolve any initial quantum state for arbitrarily long times. To illustrate the wide applicability of the approach, we employ our quantum neural propagator to compute the population dynamics and time-correlation functions of the Fenna−Matthews−Olson complex.