“…However, we argue that such threat can produce an increase in RWA as a compensatory control mechanism among people with low levels of authoritarianism. We based this idea on Dallago and colleagues' studies (Dallago & Roccato, ; Dallago, Mirisola, & Roccato, , ), which showed that perceived societal threat stemming from criminality—which undermines people's perceived control over their social world (Jackson, ; Perry & Sibley, )—increased RWA among people with high, but not among those with low, Openness to experience. RWA and Openness to experience are not synonymous; however, they systematically show significant, although low, negative correlations (see Akrami & Ekehammar, ; Altemeyer, ; Duriez & Soenens, ; Ekehammar, Akrami, Gylje, & Zakrisson, ; Heaven & Bucci, ; Lippa & Arad, ; Peterson & Lane, ; Peterson, Smirles, & Wentworth, ; Van Hiel, Cornelis, & Roets, ; Van Hiel, & Mervielde, ).…”