In a context characterized by a scarcity of water resources and a need for agriculture to cope the increase of food demand, it is of fundamental importance to increase the water use efficiency of cropping systems. This objective can be meet using several currently available software packages simulating water movements in the "soil-plant-atmosphere" continuum (SPAC). The goal of the paper is to discuss and optimize the strategy for implementing an effective simulation framework in order to describe the main soil water fluxes of a typical horticultural cropping system in Southern Italy based on drip-irrigated watermelon cultivation. The Hydrus-1D model was calibrated by optimizing the hydraulic parameters based on the comparison between simulated and measured soil water content values. Next, a sensitivity analysis of the hydraulic parameters of the Mualem-van Genuchten model was carried out. Hydryus-1D determined simulated soil water contents fairly well, with an average root mean square error below 9%. The main fluxes of the SPAC were confined in a restricted soil volume and were therefore well described by the one-dimensional model Hydrus-1D. Water content at saturation and the fitting parameters α and n were the parameters with the highest impact for describing the soil/plant water balance. vadose zone for a variety of common applications in research and soil/water management (see for example [2][3][4][5][6]).Hydrus software packages are finite element models for simulating the one-and two-or three-dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably saturated media, and since their implementation they have been extensively applied in various applications. Hydrus-1D, with related manuals and case studies as examples, can be freely downloaded from the Hydrus website ( [7].In the Mediterranean environment of Southern Italy, one of the first applications of Hydrus-1D concerned the simulation of water movement and solute transport in a variably saturated water flow of fine-textured soil subjected to a fluctuating saline groundwater table [8]. Since then, the use of Hydrus has involved the estimation of the water fluxes under several cropping systems differentiated from a spatial and agronomical point of view.Plastic mulch is an agronomic technology widespread in the world because it allows farmers and engineers: (1) to increase soil temperature, (2) to reduce weed pressure and certain insect pests, (3) to increase the soil moisture, and (4) to improve nutrient use efficiency [9][10][11]. Under cotton cultivation, for example, the effect of plastic mulch on soil water balance under drip irrigation has been examined by Han et al. [9], who revealed a minimal effect on soil water distribution but a real effectiveness on soil water conservation due to a great reduction of soil evaporation.Hydrus was used also to check out the optimal drip lateral depth under a cropping system of eggplant characterized by large inter-row distance and localized irrigati...