For the 'small-molecule' NMEs (new molecular entities) approved in 2021 by the US FDA, quantitative solubility values were found for 28 drugs, nearly all from published New Drug Applications (NDAs). Comparisons of physicochemical properties over the last six years indicate that the NMEs are slowly continuing to increase in size and decrease in solubility. Since 2016, the intrinsic solubility values (S 0 ) have decreased on the average by 0.50 log unit, the calculated octanol-water partition coe cients (clogP) have increased by 0.34 log unit, and the molecular weights (MW) have increased by 22 g•mol -1 (to 477, compared to 298 in older drugs). The average number of Hbond acceptors has remained constant, while the average number of H-bond donors and the Kier Φ molecular exibility indices have decreased slightly. The reported solubility data for the 2021 small-molecule NMEs were processed using the program pDISOL-X to obtain S 0 values, normalized to 25 o C. The S 0 values ranged from 2 ng•mL -1 (avacopan) to 43 mg•mL -1 (viloxazine). In the new set, MW spanned from 233 g•mol -1 (dexmethylphenidate) to 1215 g•mol -1 (voclosporin). Values of clogP ranged from − 0.3 (serdexmethylphenidate, a quaternary ammonium molecule) to 8.1 (avacopan). Five different in-silico models were used to predict the aqueous intrinsic log solubility of the 28 novel NMEs: (i) Yalkowsky's General Solubility Equation (GSE(classic)), (ii) Abraham's Linear Solvation Equation (ABSOLV), (iii) Avdeef-Kansy 'Flexible-Acceptor' General Solubility Equation ((GSE(Φ,B)), (iv) Breiman's Random Forest Regression (RFR), and (v) consensus model based on (ii) and (iii) above. The various models were retrained with an enlarged version of the Wiki-pS 0 database (currently at 7655 log S 0 entries of drug-relevant molecules). The consensus model (r 2 = 0.67, RMSE = 1.08) just slightly outperformed the other four models. The relatively-simple consensus prediction equation can be easily incorporated into spreadsheet calculations. As new drugs are approved, it will be important to continue monitoring the quality of measured solubility. Matching prediction to measurement is valuable when prediction methods are applied to virtual libraries, in order to seek opportunities to minimize pharmacokinetic risks of large, but otherwise promising, candidate molecules. *** Table 1 goes here *** 2.3 Abraham Descriptors and the ABSOLV Linear Model for Predicting Solubility Abraham introduced ve solvation descriptors: A, B, S π , E, and V [16, 26]. Two of these constitute H-bond potentials: A is the H-bond acidity (donor strength)and B is the H-bond basicity (acceptor strength) of the solute. S π is the dipolarity/polarizability, E is an excess molar refraction in units of (cm 3 /mol)/10, and V is the McGowan characteristic molar volume in units of (cm 3 /mol)/100. Values of the descriptors were calculated from 2D structures using the ABSOLV algorithm [26] (cf., and are listed in Table 1 for the new drugs.Abraham and Le [16] amended the ABSOLV model to predict...