The mobile local government services topic is an area that needs relentless attention and continuous steps towards its improvement taking advantage of the new technologies. Mobile technologies help in advancing municipal information systems, providing the citizens with the opportunity to perform easily routine transactions through their mobile devices anywhere-anytime.In order to have sustainable and useful mobile G2C information systems services, there is high need to successfully integrate the mobile government concept with the business model concept; such concepts could harmonically co-exist and yield fruitful results.This dissertation attempts to provide guidelines that could be used to highlight key tasks, which can steer successful development path through strategic steps and stages integrated into a theoretical framework, the GoMobi framework. To reach this point, there is a number of secondary objectives accomplished including: literature review of the concepts of mobile government and of business models, mapping of existing services, forming of a typology of mobile G2C services, and analysis of their value propositions. The theoretical model (GoMobi) is, finally, validated through case studies conduction.The findings of such dissertation contribute valuably to both theory and practice. The comprehensiveness of the mobile G2C services value propositions and barriers grounded theories, the inclusiveness of the mobile G2C services typology, the completeness of the mapping of the provided mobile G2C services in Greece, the integrity of the conceptual review of the business models dimensions, and the fruitfulness and flexibility of the GoMobi framework development, are innovative aspects in the academic environment. Finally, practitioners interested in entering the mobile government sector can be aware of the sector’s demands, additionally to having a holistic view of how to design, create, communicate, compare, analyze, evaluate, and modify their existing and future business dimensions of provided mobile information systems services.