Monitoring the Earth’s surface and objects is important for many applications, such as managing natural resources, crop yield predictions, and natural hazard analysis. Remote sensing is one of the most efficient and cost-effective solutions for analyzing land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes over the Earth’s surface through advanced computer algorithms, such as classification and change detection. In the past literature, various developments were made to change detection algorithms to detect LULC multitemporal changes using optical or microwave imagery. The optical-based hyperspectral highlights the critical information, but sometimes it is difficult to analyze the dataset due to the presence of atmospheric distortion, radiometric errors, and misregistration. In this work, an artificial neural network-based post-classification comparison (ANPC) as change detection has been utilized to detect the muti-temporal LULC changes over a part of Uttar Pradesh, India, using the Hyperion EO-1 dataset. The experimental outcomes confirmed the effectiveness of ANPC (92.6%) as compared to the existing models, such as a spectral angle mapper (SAM) based post-classification comparison (SAMPC) (89.7%) and k-nearest neighbor (KNN) based post-classification comparison (KNNPC) (91.2%). The study will be beneficial in extracting critical information about the Earth’s surface, analysis of crop diseases, crop diversity, agriculture, weather forecasting, and forest monitoring.