Within the framework of the nonlinear model of diffusion, a method of determining the effective cementing of porous materials by means of a numerical computer experiment is proposed.The technology of cementing metalloceramic parts is based on high-temperature diffusional processes.Parts of this kind are made from porous materials and it is notable that the diffusion rate in the latter exceeds the diffusion rate in continuous materials [I]. One explanation of this effect is that the presence of pores filled by gas with a significantly larger diffusion coefficient [2] facilitates the penetration of sorbent not only from the external but also from the "internal" surface of the medium forming the part.To control the technological process of cementing, it is very useful to estimate the diffusion rate as a function of the degree of porosity of the material.The mathematical experiment described below solves this problem within the framework of a characteristic mathematical model and leads to the plotting of nomograms which may be used to estimate the diffusion rate in cementing.I. Since the porous medium is some microstructure, the problem may be considered within the framework of a plane model, representing the pores as rectilinear channels (Fig. I) and assuming a periodic pore distribution.Since Dpore ~Dcont , it is assumed that the sorbent instantaneously fills the pores, so that the process is described by a two-dimensional diffusion problem.The rate of heat propagation in the cells considerably exceeds the diffusion rate. Therefore the temperature of the medium reaches a specified constant level in a short time. The law of temperature variation is insignificant here and is taken to be linear. Then, the next problem is to determine the concentration c(x, z, t) of the sorbent in the cell enclosed within the bold line in Fig