A source-to-far-field computation procedure aiming at predicting the noise generated by rotor-stator fan interactions and inlet noise radiation is presented here. It is applied to the NLR turbofan model, tested in DNW-LLF anechoic chamber under the framework of DUCAT project. The unsteady aerodynamic input for the acoustic computation is obtained using a 3D RANS code, CANARI, developed at ONERA for turbomachinery applications. The CFD solutions are coupled, using a modal expansion approach, to a BEM code, solving the Helmholtz equation in an arbitrary bounded space. A single interacting cut-on mode amplitude is either directly deduced from experiment or provided by post-processing the CFD data. With this approach, the predicted noise radiation can be related to the directivity patterns measured at several axial positions upstream of the turbofan inlet. A fairly good agreement is found using both experimental and CFD input data.