It is a central tenet of molecular biology that structure determines function, and indeed, spectacular insights into functions of specific proteins and DNA sequences have been based on structural studies of these molecules. The structures of a third class of biological macromolecules, RNAs, have not been studied nearly as intensively, with the consequence that details of their functions are poorly understood. This situation is changing as genetic and biochemical studies are bringing the in vivo roles of RNAs into sharper focus, and systematic methods for approaching RNA structure are developed.RNAs are intimately involved in the process of gene expression in cells, both as informational molecules and as part of the decoding machinery. By the early 1960s three kinds of RNAs had been discerned: messenger RNAs are DNA copies carrying the sequence specifying a gene; transfer RNAs are the "adaptors" which actually read the genetic code off the messenger and substitute the correct amino acid in the growing peptide chain; and the ribosome is an ~3-MDa (megadalton) complex of RNA and protein which facilitates the interaction of transfer and messenger RNAs while catalyzing peptide bond formation. Of these RNA classes, only the structure of transfer RNA is understood in any detail, based on single-crystal X-ray diffraction results1,2 and extensive physical studies of its folding.3 Messenger and ribosomal RNAs may reach thousands of nucleotides (in contrast to 75-80 nucleotides for transfer RNA); this has made determination of their structures a formidable experimental problem and is in part responsible for their neglect. The detailed structures of these larger RNAs probably were not seen as a pressing problem either: messengers were viewed as largely passive molecules, while ribosomal RNAs were thought to serve only as the scaffolding for the 50-80 proteins which were presumed to endow the ribosome with enzymatic properties.About a decade ago evidence started to accumulate in favor of active roles for messenger and ribosomal RNAs in gene expression. Direct involvement of ribosomal RNAs in several essential ribosome functions was discovered,4 while specific roles for ribosomal proteins remain elusive. In defiance of the classical formulation that gene expression is regulated by repressor proteins binding specific DNA sequences, many important regulatory pathways were found in which messenger RNA structures modulate translation and bind repressor (or activator) proteins.5 Finally, the discoveries of RNAs with catalytic activities provided convincing proof that David Draper, born In California In 1950, did his undergraduate work in biochemistry at the