Abstract-Embedded multimedia and wireless applications require a model-based design approach in order to satisfy stringent quality and cost constraints. The Model-of-Computation (MoC) should appropriately capture system dynamics, support analysis and synthesis, and allow low-overhead model-driven implementations. This combination poses a significant challenge. The Scenario-Aware DataFlow (SADF) MoC has been introduced to address this challenge. This paper surveys SADF, and compares dataflow MoCs in terms of their ability to capture system dynamics, their support for analysis and synthesis, and their implementation efficiency.
I. INTRODUCTIONModern embedded systems, such as smart phones, are often executing multiple streaming applications concurrently. A user may, for example, use a mobile phone to watch a video that is being decoded using an MPEG-4 decoder while an MP3 decoder is used to decode the accompanying audio. The applications may be using an internet connection that requires a software defined radio protocol to download the required bit streams. The user will expect that all these applications have a robust behavior and that their performance is guaranteed [1]. At the same time, the resource usage of these applications should be kept as small as possible in order to save energy and so prolong the lifetime of the battery.In the architecture domain there is a clear trend to use heterogeneous multi-processor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs) to meet the computation requirements of novel applications at affordable energy cost [2]. Programming these systems is a very challenging task, especially since the interaction between all hardware components needs to be considered in order to provide timing guarantees to the applications [16]), as well as efficient implementations. It is, for instance, possible to derive exact bounds on the storage requirements of an application and to statically schedule the tasks inside an application. As a result, there is almost no run-time overhead when running an application on an MPSoC. However, the (H)SDF MoC abstracts from any dynamic behavior of an application. This may lead to a large overestimation of its resource requirements. The dynamism inside modern multimedia and wireless applications is increasing. Exploiting