Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, the two most common inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), arecharacterized by chronic relapsing inflammation. Although recent progress regarding the therapeutic approachto these diseases has been made in the development of biologic therapies, not every patient responds well,resulting in a high percentage of ineffectiveness. Even though the immunological cascades range between thecurrent pharmacological agents for IBD treatment and the constant research for more possible pharmacologicaltargets, a lot of progress still needs to be made regarding the correct therapeutical choice for each individualpatient. Therefore, it is still important to find proper, inexpensive, and measurable biomarkers, in order to beable to assess the efficacy of these therapies, to make personalized choices, as well as to avoid potential adversedrug reactions and side effects. The biomarkers that are available in the present vary; metabolic, microbial,cytokine-related, genetic, disease-specific and drug-specific. This review presents the existing biological agentsfor IBD and focuses both on the cascades affected by each biologic agent and on the different markers thathave been found to be indicative of their effectiveness.