Augmenting accurate predict ion of channel attenuations can be of immense value in improving the quality of signals athigh frequency for satellite co mmunication networks. Such prediction of weather related attenuation factors for the impendingweather conditions based on the weather data and the Markovian theory are the main object of this paper. The paper also describes anintelligent weather aware control system (IWACS) that is used to emp loy the predict ions made fro m Markov model to maintainthe quality of service (QoS) in channels that are impacted by rain, gaseous, cloud, fog, and scintillat ion attenuations. Based onthat, a three dimensional relationship is proposed among estimated at mospheric attenuations, propagation angle, and predictedrainfall rate (RR pr ) at a given location and operational frequency. This novel method of pred icting weather characteristicssupplies valuable data for mit igation planning, and subsequently for developing an algorithm to iteratively tune the IWACS byadaptively selecting appropriate channel frequency, modulation, coding, propagation angle, transmission power level, and datatransmission rate to imp rove the satellite's system performance. So me simulat ion results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposedscheme.