“…This condition is often characterized by a Weissenberg number, Wi = τγ > Wi cr ∼ 1, wherė γ is the typical shear rate and τ is the fluid relaxation time [2]. Purely elastic instabilities manifest as spatiotemporal chaotic flow and elastic turbulence [3,4] in a wide range of natural and industrial applications: Elasticity generates secondary flows of DNA and blood suspensions in biological systems [5,6], hydrodynamic resistance increases [7] along with power consumption and cost in polymer processing, and elastic instabilities enhance mixing and dispersion in microfluidic and porous media flows [8][9][10]. Experimental [11][12][13][14][15] and numerical [16][17][18] efforts have characterized the onset and impact of elastic instabilities in well-defined geometries including cross slot [13,17], Couette [19,20], Poiseuille [8,21], and ordered pillar array flows [12,22,23].…”