In the modern health care environment, the usage of IoT technologies brings convenience of physicians and patients, since they are applied to various medical areas. The body sensor network (BSN) technology is one of the core technologies of IoT developments in healthcare system, where a patient can be monitored using a collection of tiny-powered and lightweight wireless sensor nodes. However, the development of this new technology in healthcare applications without considering security makes patient privacy vulnerable. In this paper, at first, we highlight the major security requirements in BSN-based modern healthcare system. Subsequently, we propose a secure IoT-based healthcare system using BSN, called BSN-Care, which can efficiently accomplish those requirements. The body sensor network (BSN) technology is one of the most imperative technologies used in IoT-based modern healthcare system. It is basically a collection of low-power and lightweight wireless sensor nodes that are used to monitor the human body functions and surrounding environment. Since BSN nodes are used to collect sensitive (life-critical) information and may operate in hostile environments, accordingly, they require strict security mechanisms to prevent malicious interaction with the system.