The electrocodeposition of nickel alumina nanocomposites was investigated using an impinging jet electrode. The effects of jet flow rate, particle loading, and current density on the particle incorporation were studied. The amount of codeposited particles was determined using both electrogravimetric measurements and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. A maximum particle incorporation of about 5 wt % was found for a flow rate of 2.5 L min −1 and a current density of 10 A dm −2 . The microstructure of the coatings was investigated via X-ray diffraction. As a result of increasing current density and particle incorporation, a loss of ͑100͒ texture and a relative enhancement of the ͑111͒, ͑220͒, and ͑311͒ reflections appeared. The microhardness of the nickel films increased significantly with the inclusion of alumina nanoparticles.Metal matrix nanocomposite films can be cost-effectively prepared by means of electrocodeposition. 1 The inert, nanosized particles, ͑e.g., ceramics or organic materials͒ are suspended in a conventional plating bath and are subsequently embedded into the growing metal film. The quantity and distribution of incorporated particles depends on a variety of interactive variables, including particle characteristics ͑type, size, shape, and concentration͒, electrolyte composition ͑concentrations, additives, surfactants͒, operating conditions ͑hydrodynamics, ac or dc current, current density, pH, temperature͒ and particle-bath and particle-electrode interactions. [2][3][4] Bath agitation is usually necessary to maintain a dispersed suspension and to transport the particles to the cathode surface. Most studies on electrocodeposition have focused on a parallel plate electrode configuration because of its simplicity. However, due to the various ways of agitating the suspension, an analysis and comparison of hydrodynamics is almost impossible with this configuration. The control of hydrodynamics can be achieved by using a rotating cylinder ͑RCE͒ 5-7 or rotating disk electrode ͑RDE͒. 6,8,9 However, both the RCE and the RDE configurations are not typically a viable industrial method, because of their limitation of specific cathode shapes. Another promising way to control hydrodynamics is the impinging jet electrode ͑IJE͒ configuration. 10 The IJE provides the advantages of selective 11 and high-speed plating. 12 Furthermore, it is an attractive method to electrodeposit gradient coatings while controlling the volume fraction of particles by changing the jet velocity. 13 As long as the nozzle is placed close to the substrate, the electrodeposition is hydrodynamically limited to an area proportional to the width of the nozzle. 14 It is important to distinguish between submerged and unsubmerged jet systems. The main benefit of the unsubmerged system is to avoid the entrainment of the bulk fluid found in the submerged configuration. 15 There is little research on the electrocodeposition of nickel-based composites plated with an IJE. 13,16,17 Also, no systematic investigation of the effects of the plating paramete...