In valve-sparing aortic root reconstruction surgery, estimating the individual healthy shape of the aortic root as it was before pathological deformation is a challenging task. However, exactly this estimation is necessary to develop personalized aortic root prostheses. To support the surgeon in this decision making, we present a novel approach to reconstruct the healthy shape of an aortic root based on ultrasound images of its pathologically dilated state using representation learning.The idea is to identify a suitable representation of healthy and pathological aortic root shapes using a supervised variational autoencoder. Then, an image of the dilated root can be encoded, manipulated in the latent space, i.e. shifted towards the distribution of healthy valves, and a synthetic image of this resulting shape can be generated using the decoder.We evaluate our method on an ex-vivo porcine data set and provide a proof-of-concept of our method in a qualitative and quantitavie way. Our results indicate the great potential of reducing a complex shape deformation task to a simple and intuitive shifting towards a specific class. Hence, our method could play an important role in the shaping of personalized implants and is, due to its datadriven nature, not limited to cardiovascular applications but also for other organs.