Objective. Taking into account a high prevalence of occupational pathology associated with the exposure of industrial aerosols, to analyze the principles of therapy used for patients with these diseases.
Materials and methods. The regulating medical documents, the data of preventive medical examinations as well as the principles of therapy applied for patients with occupational diseases, which are presented in scientific literarure, are analyzed.
Results. The role of harmful production factors in the formation of pneumoconiosis and alveolitis, which join the group of interstitial lung diseases (ILD), has been proved. The outcome of these occupational diseases is fibrosing alveolitis with the development of diffuse pulmonary fibrosis. In the treatment of ILD, immunobiological drugs (IBD) are used to suppress the immune processes selectively affecting the monoclonal antibodies, blocking of which interrupts inflammation and in 90 % of cases stops the further development of the disease.
Conclusions. The use of immunobiological drugs in clinical practice should be carried out within the framework of ethical and legal regulation between the patient and the doctor.