Air pollution emanating from particulate matter exposure has been identified as a major environmental problem worldwide. The stone quarry industry generates enormous amount of particulate matter into the atmosphere because of activities like blasting, crushing and haulage. The study determined the levels of PM 10 and TSP concentrations (using IOM dust samplers) as well as lung function indicators of inhabitants of the Consar Stone Quarry concessional area from November 2015 to March 2016. PM 10 concentration exceeded the WHO guideline value (50µgm-3) and the permissible EPA-Ghana standard of 70µgm-3 except in the month of November and March. The measured TSP concentrations were generally below the EPA Ghana standard of 230µgm-3 except for January and December that recorded concentrations above the EPA-Ghana standard probably due to the low relative humidity resulting from scarcity in rainfall and high atmospheric temperature. Measured lung function indicators were significantly higher than the predicted values suggesting adverse effect of the quarry on inhabitants of the concessional area.