Currently, a gap exists in inventorying and monitoring the impact of land use and management on soil resources. Reducing the number of samples required to determine the impact of land management on soil carbon (C) and mineral constituents via proximal sensing techniques such as hyper-spectral radiometry can reduce the cost and personnel required to monitor changes in our natural resource base. Previously, we used an expensive, high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) field spectrometer to correlate soil constituents to hyperspectral diffuse reflectance (HDR), over the 350–2500 nm (VIS-SWIR) wavelength range. This research is an extension of preceding research but focuses solely on the 400–1000 nm (VIS-NIR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum. This region can be measured using less expensive (albeit with lower SNR), miniaturized, field spectrometers that allow minimal sample preparation. Our objectives are to: (1) further evaluate the use of soil HDR in the visible and near-infrared (VIS-NIR) region acquired using an expensive field hyperspectral spectroradiometer for prediction of soil C and selected fractions and nitrogen (N) constituents, (2) repeat the above measurements using HDR data from samples examined in objective (1) using lower SNR hyperspectral radiometers, and (3) add to the limited literature that addresses determinations of selected soil properties using proximal sensing in the VIS-NIR region. Data analyzed in this study confirms that good to satisfactory prediction equations for soil constituents can be developed from spectral reflectance data within the 400–1000 nm wavelength region obtained using relatively inexpensive field radiometers. This application could reduce the time and resources required to monitor gains or losses in carbon constituents, information that can be used in programing such as Conservation Technical Assistance (CTA), the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and Climate-smart agriculture (CSA).