A systematic
investigation of ternary hydride MgVH6 within
the pressure range of 0–200 GPa has been performed by means
of the particle swarm optimization algorithm and density functional
theory. Results of an extensive structure search and full relaxation
further indicate that three new phases, P21/m, C2/m, and Pmn21, appear successively with the increasing
of pressure, which contain two first-order structural phase transitions
from P21/m to C2/m about 32 GPa and from C2/m to Pmn21 about 93
GPa. Three phases are all metallic phases by analyzing their band
structures and density of electronic states and are also dynamically
and mechanically stable based on their phonon spectra and elastic
properties. More importantly, the electron–phonon coupling
calculation indicates that MgVH6 with Pmn21 symmetry is a promising superconductor with an estimated
superconducting transition temperature of 27.6 K at 150 GPa, which
is similar to the superconducting transition temperature of 35 K at
300 GPa of ternary hydride LaSH6 (Phys. Rev. B
2019, 100, 184502). Further analysis
of the electron–phonon coupling mechanism shows that the superconductivity
is mainly derived from the strong electron–phonon interaction
of heavier transition metal V atoms.