Botanical Garden is an ex-situ plant conservation area with documented plant collections, especially species of scarce, endangered, and endemic species. Bogor Botanical Garden has 25 collection plots, and this research focused on collection plots V (V.A., V.B., and V.C.). The study aims to estimate the percentage of trees in healthy condition and the number and types of trees with severe tree damage. The method used is Forest Health Monitoring (FHM), which was done visually to identify the type and extent of tree damage. The results of the research showed that 234 trees fit into the healthy tree classification (86.67%) with NIK (damage index value) (0 ≤ 5) from the total number of trees observed, namely 270 trees in those collection plots. The tree classification for heavy damage was four trees (1.48%) (NIK 16 ≥ 21), including Barringtonia racemosa (L.) Spreng., located in collection plot V.A.078a, Syzygium aqueum (Burm.f.) Alston., which is in plot V.A.129, and Syzygium polycephaloides (C.B.Rob.) Merr., which is in plot V.B.111 and 111a. Most trees in plot V were healthy, but the least were heavily damaged.