Some enclosure-fire s tati c pressure me asurements are presented for both full a nd sca le mode l rooms and are compared with the present hydra uli cs-orifice flow model for fire induced flows into and out of enclosures. Results indicate that the vertical pressu re diffe renti al (enclosure to ambient) follow s the expected hydrostati c distribution qUite well and accura tely reflects the doorway Inflow and outflow gas velocities. .Measure me nt of ceiling a nd floor diffe rential pressure using different numbers of gas burners yields ins ight Int o gross plume e ntrainment and Illus trates how the neutra l p la ne and thermal di scontinuit y vary with upper gas temperature. Corre la ting upper gas tempe ra ture with fire s ize and enclosure he ight ma kes it possible to pred ict at wha t heat release rat e a give n enclosure mi ght become fully involved, i. e., by using the temperature at which the the rma l discontinuity approac hes th e floor.In te rms of present fire plume modeling la rge e ntra inment coeffi cie nt s (0 .3-0.4) are required in order to reproduce the e nc los ure fl ows for both the s ma ll and large scale resu lt s. A noted defi cie ncy in the plume mode l appears In the small sca le results wh e re the data suggest that the e ntrainment s hould exhibit a much stronger dependence on th e fu el injecti on rate tha n that pred icted by the th eory.Key words: Buoyancy pressure; e nclosure fires; entrai nme nt; fire ind uced flow s; models; physica l sca le; plumes.Nomenclature door opening area (m 2 ) orifice discharge coeffic ient gas specifi c heat (J/kg' K) height of thermal discontinuity above floor (m) plume Froude number = uJ/g'Yo gravitational accelerati on (9.8 m/s 2 ) height of enclosure (m) height of door opening (m) entrainmen t coeffi cient gas/air How rate (kg/s) height of ne utral plane above floor (m) pressure (torr, N/m 2 ) pressure difference, enclosure to ambient P-P AMB (torr, also given as N/m 2 ) heat release rate (k W) radial distance from plume axis gas temperature (OC, K) temperature difference eC) gas burner flow velocity (m/s) gas/air velocity (m/s) door opening width (m) entrained flow in plume (kg/s) gas burner flow rate = pf7T1o u f height above floor (m) radius of gas burner (m) distance above or below neutral plane gas densit y (kg/m 3 ) fu el property defined by equation (9) 1 . Introduction Present e nclos ure-fire modeling incorpora tes a hydrauli csorifice approach for calculation of th e How in a nd out of th e opening [1,2,3].1 Due to th e hot gases present in the upper portion of the room a pressure difference with respect to the ambient hydrostati c pressure is developed across the opening which is responsible for driving th e How. The gas in th e room is ass umed stationary and the How ra te is determined using Bernoulli's equation with an appropri a te orifice coefficient. Additionally th e gas Jlow in and ou t of th e e nclos ure is co upled via entra inmen t of th e [ire plume. Figures 1 a nd 2 illustrate th ese ideas sc he mati cally. A s tep functi...