Adapting luminance dependencies of various color attributes of object colors (lightness, brightness, whitenessblackness, whiteness-blackness strength, chroma, and colorfulness) were clarified under white illumination with various adapting illuminances. The correlation between the perceptions of lightness and brightness and those of whiteness-blackness and whiteness-blackness strength is also clarified for achromatic object colors. The difference between the increase of brightness and that of whiteness-blackness contrast (the effect studied by Stevens and Jameson-Hurvich) by raising their adapting illuminance is resolved without any contradiction.It is also shown that the nonlinear color-appearance model developed by the author and his colleagues is able to explain the complex characteristics of all the above color attributes of object colors by making minor modifications to it. In addition, two kinds of classifications of various color attributes are given; one is based on the similarity of perception level, and the other on the degree of adapting illuminance dependency.