Our goal was to develop a simple, safe, and effective simulation method that could replace the complex computations and dangerous processes of explosive performance tests involving naval solid highly exothermic materials. The model can be applied to the improved conditions to avoid violent runaway reactions during operation, storage, and transportation. Achieving the goal will result in an effective and safe model that is suitable for solid highly exothermic naval materials management and safety control, which also establishes the features of simple and safety technology to reduce energy consumption and unsafe performance tests in view of loss prevention.
NomenclatureActivation energy of the 1st stage (kJ mol -1 ) BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of scientific committee of Beijing Institute of Technology 321 I-Tien Chu et al. / Procedia Engineering 84 ( 2014 ) 320 -329 E 2 Activation energy of the 2nd stage (kJ mol -1 ) ET Emergency temperature (°C) f i K inetic functions of the ith stage; i = 1, 2, 3 f(α) Kinetic functions k 0Pre-exponential factor (m 3 mol -1 sec -1 ) k i Reaction rate constant (mol L -1 sec -1 ); i = 1, 2 n Reaction order or unit outer normal on the boundary, dimensionless NC Number of components, dimensionless n i Reaction order of the ith stage, dimensionless; i = 1, 2, 3 Q i ∞ Specific heat effect of a reaction (J kg -1 ) qHeat flow (J g -1 ) R Gas constant (8.31415 J K -1 mol -1 ) r i Reaction rate of the ith stage (g sec -1 ); i = 1, 2, 3, 4 S Heat-exchange surface (m 2 ) SADT Self-accelerating decomposition temperature (°C) T A bsolute temperature (K) T 0 Exothermic onset temperature (°C) TCL Time to conversion limit (year) TCR Critical temperature (°C) TER Total energy release (kJ kg -1 ) T e Ambient temperature (°C) TMR iso Time to maximum rate under isothermal conditions (day) T wall Temperature on the wall (°C) t T ime (sec) W Heat power(W g -1 ) z A utocatalytic constant, dimensionless α Degree of conversion, dimensionless γ Degree of conversion, dimensionless ρ D ensity (kg m -3 ) λHeat conductivity (W m -1 K -1 ) χ H eat transfer coefficient (W m -2 K -1 ) ∆H d Heat of decomposition (kJ kg -1 )