Laser beam impingement probability is needed to quantify the risk of accidental or unwanted illumination of a space object. A theoretical method of combining laser beam pointing error and space object position error is used to calculate beam impingement probability.The method accounts for position, velocity, and error covariance matrices of laser emitter and space object. Laser slew rate, pointing uncertainty, and beam divergence half-cone angle, as well as space object size and shape, are also included in the formulation. In performing the calculation, parameters are transformed to a laser beam coordinated frame that is centered on the nominal beam axis. Instantaneous and time-dependent impingement probabilities are reduced to one-dimensional contour integrals. The cumulative impingement probability is expressed as a simple integral. A software tool was created to implement the method. Numerical results for example data are presented.
A= unit vector normal to the laser beam having the largest pointing uncertainty a = standard deviation of the symmetric probability density, m B § = y-axis intercept parameter in the diagonal frame, m b = standard deviation along the y axis of the diagonal frame, m C = satellite and laser combined error covariance matrix in the Earth centered inertial (ECI) frame, m 2 D = laser aperture diameter, m H = combined hard-body radius, m L = unit vector in the direction of the laser beam M § = integral limits N = unit vector normal to the laser beam having the smallest pointing uncertainty P = rotation matrix from the laser to the diagonal frame R = distance from the laser emitter to the space object at closest approach, m S = slope of the space object's trajectory through the diagonal frame T = ECI to diagonal frame transformation matrix U = ECI to laser frame transformation matrix V = velocity of the space object through the diagonal frame, m/s V 0 = relative velocity of the space object with respect to the laser beam at closest approach, m/s V 0L = initial velocity of the laser emitter in ECI, m/s V 0S = initial velocity of the space object in ECI, m/s W = radius of space object, m X = initial position of the space object in the diagonal frame, m X 0 = initial relative position of the space object with respect to the laser emitter in ECI, m X 0L = initial position of the laser emitter in ECI, m X 0S = initial position of the space object in ECI, m x = laser frame abscissa y = laser frame ordinate, m y 0 = diagonal frame ordinate, m ® = laser pointing error standard deviation along the x axis, m laser pointing error standard deviation along the y axis, m 1 = y-axis intercept variation in the laser frame, m ± C = laser beam cone half-angle, rad ± L = displacement of laser due to postion uncertainty, m ± P = laser beam's pointing error due to pointing uncertainty, rad ± S = displacement of space object, m µ = contour integration parameter, rad ½ = probability density, m ¡2 ¾ = laser pointing error covariance matrix, rad 2 ¾ S = laser illumination error covariance at the space...