In today’s modern world, the human beings are affected with heart disease irrespective of the age. With the advancement of technological growth, predicting the availability of Heart diseases still remains a challenging issue. The difficulty of predicting the heart disease prevails due to the lack of availability of the symptoms. According to World Health Organization, 33% of population died due to heart diseases. For this, the diagnosis of heart diseases is made by complex combination of clinical data. With this overview, we have used Heart Disease Prediction dataset extracted from UCI Machine Learning Repository for predicting the level of heart disease. The prediction of heart disease classes are achieved in four ways. Firstly, the data set is preprocessed with Feature Scaling and Missing Values. Secondly, the raw data set is fitted to classifiers like logistic regression, KNN classifier, Support Vector Machine, Kernel Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, Random Forest and Decision Tree classifiers. Third, the raw data set is subjected to dimensionality reduction using Principal Component Analysis to project the dataset with important components. The dimensionality PCA reduced data set is fitted to the above-mentioned classifiers. Fourth, the performance comparison of raw data set and PCA reduced data set is done by analyzing the performance metrics like Precision, Recall, Accuracy and F-score. The implementation is done using python language under Spyder platform with Anaconda Navigator. Experimental results shows that Random forest is found to be effective with the accuracy of 89% without applying PCA, 85% with five component PCA and 86% with seven component PCA.