Abstract-This paper addresses co-design of platform and control of multiple control applications in a network control system. Limited and shared resources among control and noncontrol applications introduce delays in transmitted messages. These delays in turn can degrade system performance and cause instabilities. In this paper, we propose an overrun framework together with a co-design to achieve both optimal control performance and efficient resource utilization. The starting point for this framework is an Arbitrated Network Control System (ANCS) approach, where flexibility and transparency in the network are utilized to arbitrate control messages. Using a two-parameter model for delays experienced by control messages that classifies them as nominal, medium, and large, we propose a controller that switches between nominal, skip and abort strategies. An automata-theoretic technique is introduced to derive analytical bounds on the abort and skip rates. A co-design algorithm is proposed to optimize the selection of the overrun parameters. A case study is presented that demonstrates the ANCS approach, the overrun framework and the overall co-design.
I. INTRODUCTION AND RELATED WORKEmbedded computing systems (ECS) are ubiquitous in a wide range of applications including transportation, energy, and healthcare. Design of ECS faces several challenges, especially in the context of high performance, due to strict requirements such as safety, real-time deadlines, and minimum power consumption. These systems typically consist of several control and non-control applications in which their components communicate via shared resources. The presence of several applications with different priorities and limitations on the processing elements introduces resource contention. Specifically, messages can be occasionally delayed, arriving too late to be useful. It is therefore highly desirable to address the design of ECS that directly accommodates the presence of imperfect message transmissions, provides efficient resource utilization, and meets stringent performance specifications. This paper presents a co-design of implementation platform and control so as to result in efficient resource utilization and desired real-time control performance in the presence of overruns in messages when they do not meet their deadlines.Existing research in co-design of control and implementation platform in the presence of non-ideal message transmissions can be categorized in two parts: i) Designing controllers to achieve desired performance and ii) Designing communication protocols to achieve efficient resource utilization. The former consists of procedures for the estimation of worst-case delays of messages and design of controllers that are robust to such delays. This approach however can be pessimistic and